Science of VolSU. Natural sciences 2011 Vol. 1 No 2
Titlte: Science of Volsu. Natural Scinces. 2011 Vol. 1, No. 2 [Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 11. Естественные науки. 2011. Т. 1, № 2]
Volume 1. Number 2. Date: December Pages: 132. Articles: 18. Total circulation: 500
Biology and biotechnology
- Agadzhanov V.R. On changes in human body condition during the performance in personal protect clothes at the air temperature of 10 °C and 50 °C
- Malanin D.A., Zhulikov A.L., Novochadov V.V. Morphology of regeneration in experimental non-full-thickness defects of hyaline cartilage after their cold ablation
- Lyabin M.P., Semenov P.S. Improved technology obtaining chitosan
- Zaitsev V.G., Litus E.A., Zhdanova A.V. Different changes of the serum albumin cobalt-binding capacity induced by various oxidants
- Mikheyev A.V. The parametric aspects of classification of signal elements of mammals’ information field
Ecology and nature resources management
- Anopin V.N. Adaptive-and-landscape approach to the recultivation of degraded urbanized territories of the Lower Volga region
- Kirillov S.N., Kholodenko A.V. Management anthropogenic impact in the natural parks of the Volgograd region
- Kirillov S.N., Frolov M.Yu., Nefedov I.V. Medical and ecological aspects of the estimation population health
Geography and geoinformatics
- Plyakin A.V., Kozyreva V.N. Methodological approaches to the registration of the natural resource factor in sustainable development management of the municipal unions
- Rulev A.S. Landscape-geographic research of the Lower Volga region steppe landscapes
- Ryabinina N.O. Physico-geographical (landscape) zoning as a basis for singling out etalon landscapes of Volgograd region
- Kulik K.N. Cartographic-geoinformation support landscape-ecological research
Psychology and psychophysiology
- Bulanova I.S., Chernov A.Yu. Classification of the types religious experience
- Palkina T.S. Integration of psychological and economic knowledge on the example of consumer behavior
- Svetlova A.S. Implicit theories of personnel selection as a psychological research object
- Makarenko O.N., Teplyakov N.N. Subjective system of values: theoretical analysis
- Zuev D.A. The nature of subjective meaning: from chaos to order
- Mulik A.B., Postnova M.V., Mulik Yu.A., Nazarov N.O., Kudryavtseva G.A. Psychophysiological characteristics of student adaptation risks