Mikheyev A.V. The parametric aspects of classification of signal elements of mammals’ information field
Mikheyev Aleksey Vladimirovich
Doctor of Biolodgical Scienсes, Leading Researcher, SRI of Biology, Dnepropetrovsky National University named after Oles Honchar
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Summary: The mammals’ vital activity traces (signs) were examined as indirectly functioned signal elements of information field. The aspects of their classification according to appropriate vital activity type (movement; feeding; refuges formation; physiological functions; living wants) were observed. We suggest parameters that define main features of signal elements: 1) signal substance (presence signs/marking signs); 2) longevity (short-/long-term); 3) structure (simple/complicated). Presented
approach could be used for analysis of information and communicative processes in populations and communities of mammals.
Key words: animal signals, signs, indirect interrelations, information processes, behavioral ecology.

The parametric aspects of classification of signal elements of mammals’ information field by Mikheyev A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.