For Author

Dear authors!

The scientific journal "Natural systems and resources" publishes original scientific articles and reviews in Russian and English in all spheres presented in the journal:

- Ecology and biology

- Geography and Geoinformatics

- Resource studies

- New biotechnologies in the agro-industrial complex

Publication requirements

- materials of the article have a novelty and be relevant

- authors have not previously published that article in other journals

- the article must satisfy formatting requirements, otherwise it should be refined. If formatting meets all the requirements, the article will be sent for consideration

authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, quotations, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names, and other information. The editorial office has a right to make revision marks (stylistic editing). The editorial office can publish materials without sharing the author's point of view (as a matter for discussion).

- recommended quoting articles should be published in major journals of Scopus, Web of Sciences, Medline, and monographic publications

- publicationsFREE

Submission and publication an article

Stage 1: submission and revision of an article.

You should send the documents to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  by email. The materials include a scanned copy of the article with all authors signatures in *.pdf format, text of the article in *.rtf format, information about each author, scanned copy of the official submission from an institution, scanned copy of the official referral from the institution, and a scanned copy of expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article in open press (for authors from the Russian Federation).

List of essential documents.

1) You should attach information about each author in Russian and in English (full name, academic degree, academic status, position, workplace, contact number, email address). If there are two or more authors, you should write full name, address, contact number and email address of author, who will contact the editorial office. Otherwise we won’t consider the materials.

2) You should attach official submission from an institution with study director signature on the first page of article “to press” with seal affixed.

3) You should attach an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article materials in open press (obligatory for natural science articles) – for authors from the Russian Federation.

4) Authors signatures implies consent to publication under the terms of editorial office, guarantee of information originality, observance of regulations in research, and consent to the cession of all publishing rights to the editorial office of the scientific journal "Natural systems and resources."

Stage 2: document verification and peer-review

At the end of stage 1 editorial office verifies materials and accompanying documents for compliance with journal’s subject and paperwork requirements. Then it verifies in russian Plagiarism checker (software) (minimum recommended originality value is 85%), editorial office will reject the article if the originality value is less than 85%. Then two independent experts review the materials (review period is up to 4 weeks). The editorial office sends reviewers and editors comments without reviewers’ names. It is necessary to make the adjustments or give a reasoned response to the comments and send a mail within 7 days after receiving the letter from the editorial office. The editorial office has rights reject submitted articles or send them to become refined. Revised versions of articles are reviewed again.


All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal "Natural Systems and Resources" are subject to mandatory review.

Review procedure

            1. The executive secretary checks the article for compliance with the profile of the journal, the requirements for registration and sends it for consideration to the editorial board of the journal, which determines the scientific value of the manuscript. The reviewer must have deep professional knowledge and experience in a specific scientific field, be a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have published on the subject of the reviewed article within the last three years.

            2. If the materials meet the above criteria, the editor-in-chief of the journal appoints a reviewer-a specialist with a scientific specialization close to the topic of the article. Since 2014, the manuscript has been sent for examination to two reviewers.

            3. Each manuscript of a scientific article undergoes a "double-blind" review.

            4. The manuscript is sent by the Editorial Board to the reviewers without specifying the author's surname and information about him, the review is sent to the author of the manuscript of the article without specifying the names of the reviewers and information about them.

            5. Leading specialized specialists are involved in reviewing the manuscripts of scientific articles. The reviewer must have deep professional knowledge and experience in a specific scientific field, be a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have published on the subject of the reviewed article within the last three years.

            6. The review is external. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the reviewed manuscript, as well as an employee from the organization where the author of the manuscript of a scientific article works, is in postgraduate or doctoral studies

            7. The reviewer should evaluate the relevance and scientific novelty of the research results submitted for publication, their theoretical and practical significance, the availability of necessary references to data from other works.

            8. The review period should not exceed four weeks.

            9. Based on the analysis of the manuscript of the article, the reviewer makes a reasoned conclusion with a conclusion. We recommend using the review form developed by the editorial board:

            a) the article is recommended for publication;

            b) the article needs to be finalized in accordance with the comments of the reviewer;

            c) the article is recommended to be rejected (with an indication of the reasons).

            10. The author of the reviewed article is given the opportunity to get acquainted with a copy of the review, which is sent to the author by a member of the editorial board by e-mail without specifying the name of the reviewer.

            11. In case of a positive review, the article is sent to the editor-in-chief for making a decision on including the article in the Journal.

            12. If the reviews contain recommendations for finalizing the article, the Editorial Board sends the author the text of the reviews with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to reject them with a reasoned reason. The article modified by the author, by the decision of the Editorial Board, can be re-sent for review.

            13. The list of the reviewer's comments, which are subject to unconditional acceptance by the author:

            а) lack of references to the cited literature;

            b) duplication of the material (publication of the material or a significant part of it in other publications);

            c) absence or unreliability of conclusions;

            d) the absence of an abstract, keywords and other mandatory elements of the article structure.

            14. A message about a negative review with the appropriate motivational part must be sent to the author by e-mail.

            15. The article rejected by the editorial board is not accepted for reconsideration.

            16. Reviews are kept in the editorial board of the journal and in the publishing house for five years.

            17. The editorial board of the journal undertakes, upon receipt of a corresponding request, to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Rules for appealing the decision of the Editorial Board

            1. The author has the right to appeal the decision of the editorial board on the rejection of the article or the need to correct the text at the direction of the reviewer.

            2. In case of such a situation, the author should send a request with a statement of the problem and proof of his position to the editor-in-chief of the Journal.

            3. The editor-in-Chief, having read the claim, sends the article for additional review or informs the author about the validity of the reviewer's comments and the need to correct the article.

            4. If there are proven signs of plagiarism or falsification of data, the article is rejected without the right to submit it again.

Stage 3: article publication approval

Having received experts reviews, editorial office and the board decide to publish the materials. Authors will be notified that the article has been accepted for publication if the decision is positive. Otherwise editorial office submits a reasoned refusal to the author.

Paperwork requirements

1. Length of articleshould be 0.5 press sheet (5-8 p.), length of review – 1 press sheet (10-12 p.) (exclusive of tables, figures, references and annotations). Scientific article or review should be informative. 80% of references should include articles of last 10 years and at least 50% of sources of last 5-10 years. You can use sources older than 10-15 years if necessary, but not more than 20% of all.

2. The article should be printed on one side of A4 sheet with use of Microsoft Word in *.rtf format. You should use Times New Roman font, 14 typographical points, 1.5 line spacing (in tables - 1), formatting by width. Do not use hyphenation and pagination, left margin – 20 mm, the others – 20 mm. The number of authors should not exceed 5, except of multicenter studies.

3. Original article includes:

1. UDK and LBC.

2. ARTICLE title (in capital letters) in Russian.

3. Authors’ full names in Russian.

4. Name of the institution, city and country in Russian, where the work was carried out, address with postal code (Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation).

5. Abstract in Russian (200-250 words).

6. Keywords in Russian (5-8 words).

7. ARTICLE title (in capital letters) in English.

8. Authors’ full names in English.

9. Name of the institution, city and country in English, where the work was carried out.

10. Abstract in English (200-250 words).

11. Keywords in English (5-8 words).

12. Introduction without heading highlighting.

13. Material / object and methods (for original articles and reviews, you can use subheadings).

14. Results and discussion (for original articles).


16. Comments (if the article was written as part of the grant support implementation)

17. References in accordance with All Union State Standard R 7.05-2008.

18. Authors’ information: full name, academic degree and academic title, position and place of work, contact phone number and email address.

Requirements for title

scientific article title should be informative and comprise work essence (subject and object of research, research conditions).

- title should contain no more than 12 words.

- you can use only common abbreviations in title.

- do not use transliteration from Russian in translating into English (exception: untranslatable proper names, devices, and other objects that have proper names).

- do not use professional slang.

Requirements for abstract

abstract in Russian and English should include 200-250 words.

- abstract should include relevance (issue), solution (goal), material and methods, results, conclusion.

- do not use common meaningless words, extending the article length. Itshouldbeconciseandclear.

Requirements for keywords

keywords should comprise main work content.

- keywords or keyword phrase should be separated by a comma.

Requirements for main content

- research goal, object and main method should be written in the introduction.

- in «Material and methods» or «Object and methods», you should write about both research methods and statistical processing.

- do not repeat information from tables in «Results» and mention the most important ones.

- compare new important research aspects with data from other researchers without repeating the information from introduction and data in «Results».

- do not use abbreviations, except for common abbreviations of chemical and mathematical quantities, terms; use SI system.

- use only comma in decimal numbers. Write special terms in Russian transcription. Chemical formulas and doses should be written in the margin.

- if you use experiments on animals, write about compliance of animal management with national laws, recommendations of the national research council, and rules of your institution.

- do not use more than one space between words, in words; use paragraph indents for indention; do not separate punctuation marks with spaces from the preceding word; do not use hyphenation.

Requirements for tables and figures in article

number tables an ordinal number (at the top of the table), do not number, if there is only 1 table in article.

- tables should be added by paste options, do not use auto figure lines; do not use spaces or tabs to align columns and cells.

- write statistical methods for estimating data variability and reliability of differences in footnotes.

- example of table reference in text: «table 1».

- use black and white figures in separate files in *.rtf format with an extension of at least 300 dpi.

- use patterned fill methods for diagrams and figures without color highlights (for black and white printing). If diagrams, and figures illustrate quantitative data, then write about statistical methods that you have used for estimation.

- specialized programs for statistical results processing, such as Statistics are preferable for creating diagrams and histograms.

- example of figure reference in text: «Fig. 1».

figure data should not repeat table materials.

- do not use more than 5 figures and tables (total number).

- write captions to figures and table names in Russian and English.

- use Microsoft Office for creating formulas containing special characters. Single-line formulas that have only numbers, letters, single-line indexes, brackets and operation signs should be typed as a text. Example: y2 = 3325 + 0, 1937x1 + 0, 0425x3...

Requirements for list of references in Russian

compile «References» in alphabetical numbered order in accordance with all union state standard R 7.0.5-2008.

- use resources of last 5-10 years, dissertations and auto abstracts citation is unwanted. Do not use unpublished works.

- use Arabic numerals in square brackets to give bibliographic references in text of article.

- use DOI format (, when you write publications bibliographic description.

- example of «References» is in a file, which you can download, at the end of the page.

do not use only transliterated version (without translation) of journal description in «References».

- numbering of transliterated version of the list should correspond to the list of sources in the Russian list of references. We recommend using system on the site http://www. and select "similar to the Ministry of internal Affairs".

            - use DOI format (, when you write publications bibliographic description.

- italicize source original name in the descriptions.

- do not use uncommon source names abbreviations in bibliographic references.

- all the main output publishing information (in the journal descriptions: number of volume, journal number, number of pages; in book descriptions: publication place – city, publisher (except for the publisher's own untranslatable name, it is transliterated)) should be written in English.

- do not write type of publications in description of Russian textbooks.

- write number of pages in publications output data in references (articles, books): range of pages in the publications specified «pp.» before pages. Number of pages in the complete edition (book) is specified as «p.» after specifying number of pages.

- use square brackets for article title translation.

- write one publication in «References» only once.

- give reference for English version for journals published in Russian and English.

- do not use «//», «/», «-» for bibliographic description structural elements separation.

- structure: Authors (transliteration), article title in transliterated version [write translation of the article title into English in square brackets], name of the Russian-language source (transliteration) [translation of the source name into English-paraphrase], output data in English. AuthorA.A., AuthorB.B., AuthorC.C. Titleofarticle. Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 49-53.

Download this file (License agreement.doc) License agreement.doc
Download this file (References.pdf) References.pdf
Download this file (Review form.doc) Review form.doc
Download this file (The procedure for accepting, reviewing and including articles.pdf) The procedure for accepting, reviewing and including articles.pdf