Makarenko O.N., Teplyakov N.N. Subjective system of values: theoretical analysis
Makarenko Oleg Nikolaevich
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Psychology, Volzhsky Institute of Humanities (branch) of the Volgograd
State University
Teplyakov Nnikolay Nikolaevich
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Odessa National University named after
I.I. Mechnikov
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Summary: The canticle in dedicated to the issue of values. Such sides of this issue, as nature, structure of subjective system values are analyzed; mechanisms of its formation are disclosed. Peculiarities of presentation of this system values are traced in the aspect of historic psychology, a number of hypothesis regarding structure of subjection system of values of personality is put forward.
Key words: consciousness, subjective system of values, levels of values, transformation, identification, semantic space, personal sense.

Subjective system of values: theoretical analysis by Makarenko O.N., Teplyakov N.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.