Plyakin A.V., Kozyreva V.N. Methodological approaches to the registration of the natural resource factor in sustainable development management of the municipal unions
Plyakin Aleksander Valentinovich
Doctor of Economical Scienсes, Department of Wildlife Management, Geoinformation Systems and Nanoeconomics Technologies, Volzhsky Institute of Humanities (branch) of the Volgograd State University
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Kozyreva Vera Nikolaevna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Summary: The article discusses the methodological problems of creation of monitoring system of a municipal unions sustainable development. The offered indicators of sustainable development provide an extra efficiency of diagnostics and prognostic system for assessing the sustainability of municipal regions and city districts.
Key words: region, municipal region, sustainable development, geoecological estimation, manufacture factors, geoinformation system, development indicators.

Methodological approaches to the registration of the natural resource factor in sustainable development management of the municipal unions by Plyakin A.V., Kozyreva V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.