Anopin V.N. Adaptive-and-landscape approach to the recultivation of degraded urbanized territories of the Lower Volga region

Anopin Vladimir Nikolaevich 
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Geodesy, Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
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Summary: The paper considers the issues of the study of geosystem degradation processes caused by anthropogenic impact on urbanized territories. A justification of the landscape approach to the implementation of the developments aimed at their recultivation is given. The author suggests principles for designing green and protective forest plantations in urban landscapes.
Key words: landscape, land utilization, degradation, recultivation, green plantations, protective forest plantations.
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Adaptive-and-landscape approach to the recultivation of degraded urbanized territories of the Lower Volga region by Anopin V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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