Kirillov S.N., Frolov M.Yu., Nefedov I.V. Medical and ecological aspects of the estimation population health

Kirillov Sergey Nikolaevich
Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, Head of 
Department of Ecology and Nature Management, 
Volgograd State University
Frolov Maksim Yuryevich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Manager of a Сourse of Сlinical Рharmacology, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Therapy, Volgograd State Medical University
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Nefedov Igor Victorovich
Doctor-Intern, Chair of Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Therapy, Volgograd State Medical University

Summary: Medical and ecological aspects of preservation of health of the population are considered, expenses for maintenance of health for the population, including for sick of a hypertension are estimated.
Key words: population health, environment, toxic substances, ecological risk, a hypertension.
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Medical and ecological aspects of the estimation population health by Kirillov S.N., Frolov M.Yu., Nefedov I.V is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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