Ryabinina N.O. Physico-geographical (landscape) zoning as a basis for singling out etalon landscapes of Volgograd region

Ryabinina Natalya Olegovna
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University 
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Summary: The article deals with physico-geographical (landscape) zoning of Volgograd region as a theoretical basis for singling out etalon steppe landscapes and key biological. Special attention is given to the studying of key biological territories and landscapes of Donskoy and Shcherbakovsky natural parks as general elements of regional nature conservation framework.
Key words: geosystem, landscape, specially protected natural territories, etalon ecosystems and landscapes, nature conservation framework, key biological territories and landscapes, steppe.

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Physico-geographical (landscape) zoning as a basis for singling out etalon landscapes of Volgograd region by Ryabinina N.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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