Science of VolSU.Natural sciences 2013 Vol. 3 No 2
Titlte: Science of Volsu. Natural Scinces. 2013 Vol. 3, No. 2 [Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 11. Естественные науки. 2013. Т. 3, № 2]
Volume 3. Number 2. Date: December Pages: 92. Articles: 11. Total circulation: 500
Biology and biotechnology
- Zenkina Т.Е., Sagalaev V.А. The peculiarities of formation regional and demographical structure of cenopopulations of Artemisia santonica L. (Asteracea) under the impact of anthropogenic factors
- Novochadov V.V., Frolov D.M. Modeling an acute lung injury by inhalation of lipopolysaccharide-containing ultrafine aerozoles
- Bocharova I.A., Agadzhanov V.R., Sagalaev V.A. Drug addiction. Drugs and their effects on man
Ecology and nature resources management
- Kirillov S.N., Matveeva A.A., Polovinkina Yu.S., Kholodenko A.V. Implementation of environmental assessments of regional management system
- Zheltobryukhov V.F., Osipov V.M., Kolodnitskaya N.V., Styazhin V.N., Karpov A.V. Development and realization the technology of ecological remediation of the oil-polluted lands
- Ivantsova E.A. Bioecology of Eurygaster integriceps (Rut.) in the Lower Volga region
Geography and geoinformatics
- Solodovnikov D.A., Kanischev S.N., Zolotaryov D.V. Shinkarenko S.S. Forms of recreation on the territory of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain
- Ryabinina N.O. Natural and аnthropogenic factors of variable dynamics of biological productivity of virgin geosystems of Stipa and Festuca steppes of the Eastern Don ridge
Psychology and psychophysiology
- Postnova M.V. System of measures to improve the adaptation of university environment
- Polyakova I.V. Interrelations of psychological features of the personality and formation of skills
- Kuchmistov K.S., Sergeev A.A. Study on the relationship of the value orientations of personality and predisposition to manipulative influenced by the organizations with signs of destructive cults