Polyakova I.V. Interrelations of psychological features of the personality and formation of skills


DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu11.2013.2.10

Polyakova Irina Vadimovna
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology 2,
Smolensk State University
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Abstract. Article is devoted to a problem of formation of perceptual skills. Objective of this research was studying of influence of psychological features of the personality on formation of skills of pressure by fingers of hands. The hypothesis that there is a communication between features of a self-assessment, ekstraversiya and introversions, level of subjective control and features of formation of skills of pressure is made. The tools consisted of Ayzenk's techniques, level of subjective control and measurement of indicators of pressure on author's measuring device specially created for research. Comparrison correlation of indicators of pressure by alternately left and right hand revealed their specific "contribution" to formation of skill and its communication with psychological features of the personality.
Key words: perception standard, touch standard, sensitivity, perceptual skill, transfer of skills, self-assessment, ekstraversiya and introversion, level of subjective control.

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Interrelations of psychological features of the personality and formation of skills by Polyakova I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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