Zenkina Т.Е., Sagalaev V.А. The peculiarities of formation regional and demographical structure of cenopopulations of Artemisia santonica L. (Asteracea) under the impact of anthropogenic factors


DOI:   10.15688/jvolsu11.2013.2.1 

Zenkina Тatjana Evgenievna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Biology, Volgograd State University,
Head of Ecological Department, "Volgogradnefteproekt"

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Sagalaev Vadim Alexandrovich
DSc in Biology, Professor, Head of Department of Biology, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The investigation results of cenopopulations of Artemisia santonica L., in Kumo-Manychskaya hollow (republic of Kalmykia). The demographic and regional structure of cenopopulations under the impact of anthropogenic factors are described. The impact of peculiarities of living on the ontogenetical stages is characterized.
Key words: cenopopulations, age states, ontogenetic stages, demographic spectrums, regional structure, Artemisia santonica, anthropogenic factors.

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The peculiarities of formation regional and demographical structure of cenopopulations of Artemisia santonica L. (Asteracea) under the impact of anthropogenic factors by Zenkina Т.Е., Sagalaev V.А. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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