Ivantsova E.A. Bioecology of Eurygaster integriceps (Rut.) in the Lower Volga region


DOI:  10.15688/jvolsu11.2013.2.6 

Ivantsova Elena Anatolievna
DSc in Agriculture, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Abstract. The article considers the ecological and biological characteristics of Eurygaster integriceps (Rut.) in the dry steppe and semi-desert areas of the Lower Volga region. Analyzes the main factors affecting the number and harmfulness phytophage.
Key words: Eurygaster integriceps (Rut.), migration, the sum of effective temperatures, dynamics, winter and spring wheat, grain damage, Lower Volga region.

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Bioecology of Eurygaster integriceps (Rut.) in the Lower Volga region by Ivantsova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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