Kurysheva O.V. Features of the relation of youth to own age

Kurysheva O.V. Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate
Professor, Department of Psychology, Volgograd
State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Summary: In the article the author’s approach to the research of the relation of youth to own age is realized. The results of research reflecting specificity of a parity “internal” and «external problems» of the youth and types of the relation to own age are presented. The analysis of the relation to own age shows a measure and quality of comprehension by the young man of the place in the system of standards and priorities of group, referential to it on age and value criteria.
Key words: youth as specific social group, a psychosocial problematics of youth, the network thematic analysis, type of the relation to own age.
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Features of the relation of youth to own age by Kurysheva O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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