Kursakova N.A. Problems and Prospects of Tourism Development on Specially Protected Territories of Trans-Volga Region

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.2.12

Kursakova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Teacher of Geography, Russian-American School
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Abstract. The vital topic of the development of tourism in the Volgograd region is studied in the article. The growing demand for recreational resources of local importance is shown. The positive and negative aspects of direct and indirect impact of tourism activities on specially protected natural territories of Trans-Volga region are examined. It is noted that the extreme sensitivity of arid zone landscape to recreational impact, even slight scattered recreational load (the passage of several dozens of people through the territory) causes significant changes in phytocenosis – reduced plant cover, the share of weed species. The changes in geobotanical characteristics of the territory clearly persist throughout the growing season, the next season will not eliminate differences in the characteristics of the control and experimental plots. The changes arising from a linear recreational load are even more sustained, and they affect the most attractive natural objects, intensively visited by tourists. The role of the Volga-Akhtuba Floodplain and Eltonsky nature parks in the development of ecological tourism is shown in the article. It is emphasized that the interests of travelers should not be in conflict with the basic objectives of protected areas and should also match with the offered range of destinations. It is proposed to switch the attention of tourists so as not to lose those wishing to visit the territory, do not jeopardize the fragile natural systems. It is proposed to use both global and Russian experience of creating alternative forms of recreation that harmoniously blend into the landscape, contribute to the preservation of natural, historical and cultural heritage of the territory and gave the tourists a sense of belonging to the ethnic traditions of past eras.
Key words: recreational activity, norms of recreational load, vulnerability of territory, landscape and ecological approach, objects of natural tourism, landscape and landscapeethnographic parks.
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Problems and Prospects of Tourism Development on Specially Protected Territories of Trans-Volga Region by Kursakova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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