Rulev A.S., Yuferev V.G. Geoinformation analysis of landscape catenas of Volga-Ilovlinsky interfluve

Rulev A.S.

Doctor of Sciences in Agriculture, Head of Department of Landscape Planning and Methods of Aerospace Research, Agricultural Research Institute of Agroforestry Reclamation of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences

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Yuferev V.G.

Doctor of Sciences in Agriculture, Head of the Laboratory of Mapping and Soil Analysis, Agricultural Research Institute of Agroforestry Reclamation of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences

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Summary: Materials on the methodology and application of GIS soil and geomorphological analysis catenas in landscape and agroforestry are presented. The results of the analysis of landscape catenas southeastern end of the Volga Upland are show.
Key words: distance-mapping monitoring, catena, a digital terrain model, mathematical modeling, mapping, geo-information complex.

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Geoinformation analysis of landscape catenas of Volga-Ilovlinsky interfluve by Rulev A.S., Yuferev V.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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