Pipenko N.S. The xylotrophic Aphyllophorales of northern part of Volga-Akhtuba bottom-land within Volgograd region

Pipenko N.S.

Postgraduate Student, Department of Biology, Volgograd State University This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Summary: The result of preliminary investigation of biota of Aphyllophorales in the nortern part of VolgaAkhtuba bottom-land is presented.
Key words: Aphyllophorales, biota of mushrooms, Volga-Akhtuba bottom-land, Volgograd region.

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The xylotrophic Aphyllophorales of northern part of Volga-Akhtuba bottom-land within Volgograd region by Pipenko N.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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