Mulik A.B. Universal method of estimating the level of general non-specific reactivity of human organism and traditional laboratory animals

Mulik A.B.

Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Volgograd State University

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Summary: The appropriateness of application of the universal method of estimation the level of general non-specific reactivity by determining pain threshold is substantiated. Achieved correlation of intraspecific gradations of pain thresholds in human and traditional laboratory animals, which determining the value of high, medium and low level of general non-specific reactivity. Identified the optimal parameters of nociceptive effects on the human and animal organism for modeling standard pain reactions.
Key words: the level of general non-specific reactivity, pain threshold, standardization of laboratory animals.

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Universal method of estimating the level of general non-specific reactivity of human organism and traditional laboratory animals by Mulik A.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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