Lobacheva G.K., Karpov A.V., Makarov O.A., Filippova A.I. The creation method of the biochemical barriers by means of land remediation, polluting by oil-processed products
Lobacheva G.K.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Makarov O.A.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Manager of the Volgograd Subsidiary ZAO “Industrial risk”
Filippova A.I.
Postgraduate Student, Moscow State Academy of Oil and Gaz named by I.M. Gubkin
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Summary: The article is devoted to assessment the ecological condition of the oil refinery plant’s industrial area. There are the results of the chemical analyses of soil in the paper. The technological soil recultivation are researched. The authors have investigated the biological preparations, which are applied for remediation oil-contaminated soil. The problem transfer to land users of recultivated soil has been solved.
Key words: the pollutants, oil-processed products, technical recultivation, biological recultivation, the biological preparations, industrial area of the plant, enterprise’s emission.
The creation method of the biochemical barriers by means of land remediation, polluting by oil-processed products by Lobacheva G.K., Karpov A.V., Makarov O.A., Filippova A.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.