Kirillov S.N., Egorova E.V. Ecological and economic evaluating of preventing and rectification of emergency situations consequences
Kirillov S.N.
Doctor of economic sciences, Head of Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Egorova E.V.
Postgraduate, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Summary: In the article causes of various accidents and disasters of technogenic and natural character, ecological risks and methods for evaluating ecological and economic damages are considered. Authors give recommendation on enhancement of activity oriented to preventing and rectification of emergency situations consequences.
Key words: emergency situation, ecological risk, ecological and economic damage, sustained development.

Ecological and economic evaluating of preventing and rectification of emergency situations consequences by Kirillov S.N., Egorova E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.