Smoljansky M.S. Spatial structure and dynamics of number of the isolated population of the Clematis east (Clematis orientalis l., Ranunculaceae) on the right bank of river Hoper in Kumylzhensky area of the Volgograd region
Smoljansky M.S.
Postgraduate, Department of Biology, Volgograd State University
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Summary: Results of research of the Clematis east (Clematis orientalis L.) within isolated population located on territory of the Volgograd region. Information about sizes, compactness and age structure population of this kind, the estimation of dynamic of numbers of this kind.
Key words: a Clematis east, spatial structure, dynamic numbers, the isolated population.

Spatial structure and dynamics of number of the isolated population of the Clematis east (Clematis orientalis l., Ranunculaceae) on the right bank of river Hoper in Kumylzhensky area of the Volgograd region by Smoljansky M.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.