Sidorova L.A. Heterogeneity of structure organization of cenopopulation of Artemisia hololeuca Bieb. ex Bess. (Asteraceae) during the time and in the space

Sidorova L.A.
Candidate of biological sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Volgograd State University
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Summary: The investigation of cenopopulation of Artemisia hololeuca Bieb. ex Bess. rerealed the existents of cooperations of the different levers of aggregations, different the whole ray of quality especialities such age consistence, density, alongeness, discontinuity. Non synchrony and ware resembling development of aggregation of A. hololeuca the continuum of time and space is explained the biology of the species and by the whole ray the surroundings forming factors, sail au exposition stope, microrelief and composition of earth, substrate, fitocenological especiality. of the plant cooperation and also the character and degree of anthropogenic influence. Is determined the high degree of dynamic of development cenopopulation of the tipe investigated.
Key words: half-shrub taproot plant, age stage, cenopopulation, accumulation, the lever of aggregation, group tipe o disposition.
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Heterogeneity of structure organization of cenopopulation of Artemisia hololeuca Bieb. ex Bess. (Asteraceae) during the time and in the space by Sidorova L.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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