Byalt V.V., Sagalaev V.A., Firsov G.A. Floristic findings in the Nizhnehopersky natural park in the Volgograd region
Byalt V.V.
Candidate of biological sciences, Senior Researcher, Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Sagalaev V.A.
Doctor of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Biology, Volgograd State University
Firsov G.A.
Candidate of biological sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the arboretum of the Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Summary: The article presents the information on new floristic findings on the territory of Nizhnehopersky Natural Park. There are 24 species described and 9 of them are new for the flora of the Volgograd region.
Key words: flora, Nizhnehopersky Natural Park, Volgograd region, new locations, rare species.

Floristic findings in the Nizhnehopersky natural park in the Volgograd region by Byalt V.V., Sagalaev V.A., Firsov G.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.