UDC: 574.3:711.4

Daria A. Andreeva, Laboratory Researcher, Soil Erosion Protection Laboratory, Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Universitetsky, 97, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation; Master, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. Currently, there is a positive trend in the rate of urban growth. The increase in urbanized areas has a negative impact not only on the appearance of landscapes, but also significantly changes the climate of the territory, hydrological regime, relief and soils. To curb such negative effects, plans for large-scale greening have been developed around the world. Green spaces are able not only to resist the influence of urbanization, but also to perform the corresponding functions. This experience was first demonstrated using the example of London (Great Britain), after which the trend for green belts and rings spread to other countries. Despite the fact that the creation and maintenance of such massive green spaces is very labor- and resource-intensive, many countries decide on such an experience for more comfortable living and the ability to curb the rapid pace of urban growth. Using the example of green belts and rings in Great Britain, China, Korea and Canada, the reasons for the creation of spaces were considered, and their current condition was analyzed. Despite all the positive functions (protective, climate-forming, etc.), it is becoming more difficult to maintain green areas due to low demand and interest of countries. Inconsistent care entails the death of plants, including from their natural aging. Green areas are transferred for development, and since they are also popular recreational territories, the spaces are exposed to harmful anthropogenic impacts in the form of fires and pollution. The conducted studies are important from the point of view of assessing the creation of spaces in other countries, and also allow us to analyze the shortcomings in this matter.

Key words: green ring, urbanization, forest reclamation, green spaces, landscape

CitationAndreeva D.A. Comparative Analysis of Forest Reclamation Measures in Urbanized Areas. Prirodnye sistemy i resursy [Natural Systems and Resources], 2024, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 5-13. DOI:

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