Shubin M.A. Сartographic Provision of Monitoring of Engineering-Geological Processes on the Basis of GIS-Technologies


Mikhail A. Shubin
Doctor of sciences (geology), Professor, Department of Geography and cartography, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetskij, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstracts. Mapping information is needed when using geo-information technologies to develop a system of monitoring geological processes. The thematic basis of the engineering-geological map is a data Bank for assessing the state of the geological environment. The sources of the digital cartographic basis are remote sensing data and field survey materials. The data is included in the contents of the MapInfo working set. Engineering-geologic map consists of two thematic layers. The first layer - stratigraphic genetic complexes of surface deposits, their composition and physical and mechanical properties. The second layer is a characteristic of exogenous processes, including a description of the types, prevalence (scale) and intensity of manifestation separately for each group of processes: landslide, erosion, Aeolian, suffusion-karst, waterlogging and flooding. As an example, the map of soil density in MapInfo for the pipeline section is shown.
Key words: engineering-geological map, monitoring, geo-information system, MapInfo.
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Сartographic Provision of Monitoring of Engineering-Geological Processes on the Basis of GIS-Technologies by Shubin M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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