Pechkovsky G.A., Abramovich A.V., Koteneva E.A. A Meta-Analysis of Genomic and Interactomic Interaction Data Between Host and B. Anthracis


Gregory A. Pechkovsky
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Anti-plague Institute, Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation
Alena V. Abramovich
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Anti-plague Institute, Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation,
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Elena A. Koteneva
Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Anti-plague Institute, Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation,
Abstract. A variety of techniques are used to obtain omix data, and the output of these experiments is heterogeneous in type data, which, however, can be reduced to sequences (proteins or genes) for their further meta-analysis. The proposed algorithm was implemented in Python, and it is based on the use of the program BLAST with the request of a certain assembly, the subsequent multiple alignment of the initial and grouped sequences. With the help of this algorithm, we analyzed the sequences of proteins of B. аnthracis or H. sapiens from interactome (IMEx IM-13779) obtained from Uniprot database. Were used genomic data 36 RefSeq complete genomes of representatives of the B. cereus group (B. anthracis, B. cereus, B thuringiensis, B. mycoides) for this analysis.
Key words: meta-analysis, genome, interactive data, B. Anthracis.
Creative Commons License
A Meta-Analysis of Genomic and Interactomic Interaction Data Between Host and B. Anthracis by Pechkovsky G.A., Abramovich A.V., Koteneva E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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