Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. Ways to Reduce Energy Costs in Poultry Farms


Aleksey V. Sklyar
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture), Official Agent, Big Dutchman AG (holding)
Auf der Lage 249377 Vechta-Calveslage Postfach 116349360 Vechta, Germany
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Margarita V. Postnova
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief, Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetskiy, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. Currently, the modern poultry farms are located in regions with different climatic conditions. Thus, the component of the electric power being the base for combined heating and ventilating systems, lighting, and local heating of poultry farms, is great in power engineering on the territory of the Russian Federation. The analysis of energy costs of poultry farms showed that of the estimated options for reducing the cost of electricity for poultry farms, one of the most effective can be an alternative source such as the generation of own electricity. Naturally, for biological production with a continuous technological cycle (poultry farming, for example), seems to be replace about 45-55 % of the needs of the factory and serve as a reserve for the rest, but not cover all 100 % of needs.
Key words: poultry farms, electricity, energy costs, engines, climate.
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Ways to Reduce Energy Costs in Poultry Farms by Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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