Alekseeva T.V., Kalgina Yu.O., Bokarev D.A., Evlakova V.S., Malakova L.A., Zdorovtsev E.A. Quality Management Enriching Food Systems from Domestic Raw Materials


Tatyana V. Alekseeva
Professor, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh 
State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Yuliya O. Kalgina
Post graduate, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Dmitry A. Bokarev
Associate professor, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Valeria S. Evlakova
Bachelor, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Ludmila A. Malakova
Bachelor, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Evgeniy A. Zdorovtsev
Bachelor, Department of Service and Restaurant Business, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Revolutsii Av. 19, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The state policy in Russian Federation in the field of nutrition is aimed at the development of advanced food technologies and the development of food-enriching systems of functional orientation. Rheological properties of model systems with different moisture content on the basis of wheat germ cake as a by-product of flour and oil extraction production were studied. In this paper we investigate a model food system based on wheat wheat germ oil cake of various degrees of hydration with a moisture content in the range of 59-68 %. Rheological properties of food systems were controlled with the help of informationmeasuring system including the device “structure Meter ST-2”. Calculation of normal stress showed that with the increase in the mass of water in food systems in the extrusion mass through a die, the mechanical stresses were reduced.
Key words: wheat germ cake, food enrichment systems, normal mechanical stresses.
Creative Commons License
Quality Management Enriching Food Systems from Domestic Raw Materials by Alekseeva T.V., Kalgina Yu.O., Bokarev D.A., Evlakova V.S., Malakova L.A., Zdorovtsev E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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