Abramovich A.V., Tsygankova O.I., Koteneva E.A., Kalinin A.V. Development of an Electronic Database the Proteomic Profiles of Bacillus Anthracis Strains in Different Complex of Phenotypic and Genetic Characteristics Using Biotyper v. 3.0

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2018.2.5

Alena V. Abramovich
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol 
Anti-plague Institute
Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation
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Olga I. Tsygankova
Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Anti-plague Institute
Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation
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Elena A. Koteneva
Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Anti-plague Institute
Sovetskaya St., 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation
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Aleksandr V. Kalinin
Researcher, Laboratory of Postgenomic Technologies, Stavropol Antiplague Institute
Sovetskaya St, 13-15, 355035 Stavropol, Russian Federation
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Abstract. At present, the databases on strains of infectious diseases are of great information value, combining 
many properties of cultures, including the best information on the reliability of species identification, completeness 
of information on the potential pathogenicity of a particular strain and genetic markers. In the course of the study, 
a database of 47 strains and cultural variants of B. Anthracis was formed, the strains of which were isolated from 
different types of material in the territory of the former USSR. Proteomic profiles of the studied strains are included 
in the developed electronic database in the environment of the program Biotyper V. 3.0, compatible with “MALDI 
Biotyper” software.
Creative Commons License
Development of an Electronic Database the Proteomic Profiles of Bacillus Anthracis Strains in Different Complex of Phenotypic and Genetic Characteristics Using Biotyper v. 3.0 by Abramovich A.V., Tsygankova O.I., Koteneva E.A., Kalinin A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Key words: proteomic profile, Bacillus anthracis strain, phenotypic and genetic characteristics.
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