Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. Infrared Heating Systems of Poultry Houses Microclimate


Aleksey V. Sklyar
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture), Official Agent, Big Dutchman AG (holding)
Auf der Lage 249377 Vechta-Calveslage Postfach 116349360 Vechta, Germany
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Margarita V. Postnova
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Сhief Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetskiy, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The urgency of solving the problem of heat losses on heating mains and сentral boiler houses in poultry houses is important, since the efforts of poultry farms are focused on improving the devices and heating systems in the poultry houses themselves. One of the directions of the solution of this problem is the use of exclusive qualities of infrared heating in the variant where its specific advantages of selective heating of a given object are revealed as much as possible, excluding intermediate heat carriers. Thus, the calculation of the relationship of dark infrУared heating systems in addition to traditional microclimatic systems in poultry farms from different regions of the Russian Federation has shown high efficiency in the operation of this design.
Key words: poultry farms, heating, infrared heating, air, broiler.
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Infrared Heating Systems of Poultry Houses Microclimate by Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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