Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. To the Justification of Algorithms for the Climate Control Poultry House


Aleksey V. Sklyar
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture), Official Agent, Big Dutchman AG (holding)
Auf der Lage 249377 Vechta-Calveslage Postfach 116349360 Vechta, Germany
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Margarita V. Postnova
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Сhief Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetskiy, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract. The diversity of climatic zones in Russia has no analogues in the world. This fact testifies to the diversity of climate control in poultry farms located at different natural latitudes. Taking into account the fact that twenty-two regions in Russia have “comatose” climatic zones, and the decrease in temperature on the tributary to remove heat surpluses should be 3-4 0C lower, this imposes significant requirements on the microclimate system of poultry houses. On this basis, the algorithms of transition periods (spring-autumn) are proposed which are calculated
to remove excess moisture and technical means selected for winter and summer in the Russian Federation. Techniques of optimization algorithm for climate control in poultry houses introduced domestic and foreign companies in the poultry farms supplying micro-climatic equipment in Russia. The practice of rapid calculations of the microclimate on the” average “ indicators leads to overspending of energy costs, it is one of the reasons that the bird does not reveal the potential for productivity. We proved that the use of optimized microclimate control algorithms solves the problem of energy cost overruns and increases the productivity of poultry farms.
Key words: poultry farms, microclimate, heating, air, control algorithms. 
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To the Justification of Algorithms for the Climate Control Poultry House by Sklyar A.V., Postnova M.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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