Usupbaev A.K. The Synopsis of the Genus Phleum L. (Poaceae) in Flora of The Kyrgyz Republic
Adilet K. Usupbaev
Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Institute for Biology, National Academy of
Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic Prosp. Chuy, 265, 720071 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Rebublic
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Abstract. On the base of investigation of material kept in Herbarium of flora laboratory (Institute for
Biology and Pedology, National Aсademy of Sciences (FRU), a synopsis of the genus Phleum L. (Poaceae) in
flora of Kyrgyz Republic with a key for identification of species and short citats is presented. Six species are
recognized in Kyrgyz Republic (Phleum phleoides H. Karst., Phleum himalaicum Mez, Phleum paniculatum
Huds., Phleum pratense L., Phleum roshevitzii Pavlov, Phleum alpinum L.). Phleumroshevitzii Pavlov newly
reported for Kyrgyz Republic (Issyk-Kul Lake depression, Northern Kyrgyzstan). Maps of distribution for
species growing in Kyrgyz Republic (Laskov GA., Sultanova BA., 2011) and list of studied specimens are
provided. NK - Northern Kyrgyzstan (Chu Valley with adjacent northern macro-slope of Alexander Mountain
Range, and the basin of Chon-Kemin River); IK - Issyk-Kul Lake depression (including northern macro-slope of
TerskeiAla-Too Mountain Range, southern slope of KungeiAla-Too Mountain Range, basins of Tyup, Jergalan,
and Karkyra rivers); CT - Central Tien Shan (basin of the Sary-Dzhaz River); WT - esternTien Shan (Talas and
Chatkal valleys together with slopes of adjacent mountain ranges, and Ketmen-Tyube Valley); F - Cis-Ferghanian
Kyrgyzstan (edges of the Fergana Valley, with adjacent macro-slopes of Chatkal Mountain Range, Fergana
Mountain Range, Turkestan Mountain range, and Alai Mountain System); IT - Inner Tien Shan (the area bounded
in the north by Kyrgyz Mt. Ridge, in the southwest by Fergana Mountain Range, and in the south-east by
Kokshaal-Too Mountain System); А - Alai Valley (including southern macro-slope of Alai Mts. and northern
macro-slope of Trans-Alai Mt. Range); EK - Entire territory of Kyrgyzstan (i. e. species is registered in all of
abovementioned regions).Kyrgyz Republic is located in the centre of Eurasia. The distance to an Indian Ocean is about 3 000 km. The total square is about 198,500 km2. Altitudes are from 410 to 7 439 m above sea level. Over 90 % of the territory is elevated above 1 500 m. About 40 % of nearly uninhabitable: glaciers, permanent snow, rocks, scree, alpine
desert, etc. Ca. 7 % of territory is occupied by the cultural landscape: fields, settlements, roads, and industry (Atlas…1987). Only the main literature sources are cited for species: “Flora URSS” (Ovczinnikov, 1934), “Flora of Kirghiz SSR”(Nikitina, 1950), “Conspectus florae AsiaeMediae” (Gamajunova, 1968), and also the monograph of Tzvelev NN. “Grasses of URSS” (Tzvelev, 1976). The article contains 1 Figures, 1 key for identification of species, and 11 References.
Key words: Phleum, Poaceae, Kyrgyz Republic, Herbarium, new records.

The Synopsis of the Genus Phleum L. (Poaceae) in Flora of The Kyrgyz Republic by Usupbaev A.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.