Afanas’ev R.A., Voronchihinа I.N., Litvinskiy V.A. Remote Diagnostics Efficiency in Case of Plants Nitrogen Nutrition
Rafail A. Afanas’ev
Doctor of Scientics (Agriculture), Professor, Principal Researcher,
Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry Pryanishnikova St., 31A, 127550 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Irina N. Voronchihinа
Researcher, Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry
Pryanishnikova str., 31A, 127550 Moscow, Russian Federation
Vladimir A. Litvinskiy
Candidate of Scientics (Biology), Leading Researcher, Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry
Pryanishnikova St., 31A, 127550 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article summarizes foreign and own research on the development of photometric methods for the diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition of plants. Previous own research has shown that ground and aerospace surveys can be successfully used to diagnose nitrogen nutrition of plants. However, despite significant advantages over traditional chemical diagnostics, both terrestrial and space indications of the availability of agricultural crops with nitrogen have certain limitations: terrestrial - by the scale of coverage, aerospace - by time parameters. At the same time, it was shown that the use of low-flying aircraft, in particular helicopters, is most suitable for photometric inspection of crops, although its application has a significant limitation - at the cost of diagnostic work In this regard, the most promising for the rapid diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition of plants is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles - UAV, equipped with appropriate photometric equipment. Testing the effectiveness of remote, using unmanned aerial vehicles, diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition test culture - winter wheat in the field experiment with increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers showed a close dependence of the UAV instrument readings, namely the vegetative index (NDVI), with the supply of plants with nitrogen. Efficiency and technological simplicity, as well as the economic component of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring crops of crops, essentially open a new page in solving the problem of nitrogen nutrient nutrition in plants.
Key words: remote diagnostics, photometers, UAV, nitrogen, fertilizers, crops, yield.

Remote Diagnostics Efficiency in Case of Plants Nitrogen Nutrition by Afanas’ev R.A., Voronchihinа I.N., Litvinskiy V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.