Bogdanova E.S., Nesterov V.N., Rozentsvet O.A., Zubova S.N. Makurina O.N. Similarities and Differences of Pigments, Proteins and Lipids Composition in Native and Alien Species of the Genus Artemisia


Elena S. Bogdanova
Сandidate of Sciences (Biology), Researcher, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences
Komzina St., 10, 445003 Tolyatti, Russian Federation
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Viktor N. Nesterov
Сandidate of Sciences (Biology), Researcher, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences
Komzina St., 10, 445003 Tolyatti, Russian Federation
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Olga A. Rozentsvet
Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Leading Researcher, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russian Academy of Sciences
Komzina St., 10, 445003 Tolyatti, Russian Federation
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Svetlana N. Zubova
Postgraduate Student, Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Samara National Research University
Moskovskoe shosse St., 34, 443086 Samara, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Olga N. Makurina
Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Samara National Research University
Moskovskoe shosse St., 34, 443086 Samara, Russian Federation
Abstract. The genus Artemisia has about 400 species and among the plants of this genus there are native and alien species. Currently, flora’s adventitization has become one of the indicators of a powerful anthropogenic transformation of the environment, to which the flora of many regions is exposed. The study of morphological, physiological and biochemical features affecting the ability of alien species allows us to determine their rate of adaptation and the possibility of adjusting their behavior in the process of naturalization. We tried to determine the similarities and differences in the composition of key cellular components that determine the growth, development and productivity of plants in indigenous and alien species. The aim of the study was to study the quantitative content of pigments, proteins and lipids in indigenous and alien species of the genus Artemisia.
The results show that alien species of A. sieversiana differ from local species by a higher content of functionally active groups of molecules, such as photosynthetic pigments, proteins and lipids. The observed differences in these groups of molecules can be due to species specificity and the genetic status of the species, as well as the place of plant growth.
Key words: native and alien plants, lipids, pigments, proteins.
Creative Commons License
Similarities and Differences of Pigments, Proteins and Lipids Composition in Native and Alien Species of the Genus Artemisia by Bogdanova E.S., Nesterov V.N., Rozentsvet O.A., Zubova S.N. Makurina O.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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