Usupbaev A.K. The Synopsis of the Genus Piptatherum Beauv.(Poaceae) in Flora of the Kirgiz Republic


Adilet K. Usupbaev
Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Institute for Biology and Soil Science, National Academy of Sciences of the Kirgiz Republic
Prosp. Chui, 265, 720071 Bishkek, Kirgiz Republic,
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Abstract. For the first time, the paper reviews the results of detailed revision of herbarium materials from Poaceae Collection (FRU) kept in the Institute for Biology and Soil Science, National Academy of Sciences of the Kirgiz Republic (Bishkek). Synopsis of the genus Piptatherum Beauv. of Kirgiz flora is presented, with brief nomenclature citations and the key for identification. For species, only the main literature sources are cited: Flora of the URSS, Flora of Kirgiz SSR, Conspectus florae Asiae Mediae, and also Tsvelev’s monograph Grasses of the URSS. Piptatherum sogdianum (Grig.) Roshev. is newly reported for the Kyrgyzstan (Chon-Alai province, Alai mounting range, western slope, Kashka-Suuhole 29 VII 1948; Chon-Alai province, Alai mounting range, east stony slope, Balgyndyhole, 6 VIII 1948, Kashenko). The original illustrations, as photographs of spikelet and distributional maps, accompany the synopsis for each species: Piptatherum alpestre (Grig.) Roshev., Piptatherum ferganense (Litv.) Roshev.ex E. Nikit., Piptatherum holciforme (Bieb.) Roem.&Schult., Piptatherum laterale (Regel) Roshev., Piptatherum latifolium (Roshev.) Nevski, Piptatherum sogdianum (Grig.) Roshev., Piptatherum songaricum (Trin. &Rupr.) Roshev.exNikitina. Spreading within the Kirgizstan territory (conventional regions after the “Cadastre…2011”): Northern Kirgizstan, Issyk-Kul Lake depression, Central Tien Shan, Western Tien Shan, Cis-Ferghanian Kirgizstan, Inner Tien Shan, Alai Valley
including southern macro-slope of Alai mountain range and northern macro-slope of Trans-Alai mountain range, entire territory of Kirgizstan.
Key words: Piptatherum, Poaceae, Kirgiz Republic, herbarium, new records.

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The Synopsis of the Genus Piptatherum Beauv.(Poaceae) in Flora of the Kirgiz Republic by Usupbaev A.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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