Mamedova G.A. Physico-Chemical and Structural Characteristics of Natural Mineral of Nakhchivan


Gyunel Aslan Mamedova
PhD in chemistry sciences, Associate professor, Head of laboratory
of «Sorption processes», Nakhchivan Branch of the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Natural
Resources of Azerbaijan,
prospect Heydar Aliyev 76, AZ 7000 Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan Republic,
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Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of physico-chemical properties and calculation of structural characteristics of the natural mineral of Nakhchivan. A sample of the zeolite was taken from the zeolite-containing horizon in the north-west of the Kyukyuchai river, where its content ranges from 75"80%. The samples were zeolite tuffs of Nakhchivan the 78,5% of which are the main mineral - mordenite, 19,5% quartz and 2,00% anorthite. The natural zeolite of Nakhchivan-mordenite was studied by X-ray diffraction, IR-spectral, elemental, and derivatographic methods of analysis. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis, it is established that the natural mineral is in phase relation characterized by quartz, anorthite (in small amounts) and the main mineral of mordenite, which crystallizes in orthorhombic syngony. The established of chemical formula of mordenite in composition of natural sample by elemental analysis. The calculated main structural characteristics of mordenite in natural sample of Nakhchivan on the basis of the chemical composition – a framework density, the “normalized” framework volume, the “normalized” volume of the compound, the volume of pore. As a result of calculations of the main structural characteristics of the natural sample of Nakhchivan on the basis of chemical composition, it is established that the natural sample of Nakhchivan can be used as an adsorbent, catalyst. The use of local natural raw materials reduces dependence on foreign raw materials, which leads to the rational use of natural resources.
Key words: zeolite, the Nakhchivan mineral, structural characteristics, mordenite, framework density, X-ray analysis, the volume of pore, normalized framework volume.
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