Trokhimchuk K.A. On the Influence of Industrial Enterprises on Pollution of the Milk Diversible Dust of the Residential Territories of the City
Katerina A. Trokhimchuk
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of
Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University,
Abstract. The article discusses the effect of industrial enterprises on the contamination by fine dust of residential areas in the city. The results of studies on the concentration of suspended dust particles with a size of less than 10 mm and less than 2.5 мm in the production zone having ash dumps and in a residential area near the industrial enterprise are presented. In the residential area, near the industrial enterprise there is an increased content of fine dust. It is proposed to use the dust collection machine developed by the author to protect the environment on the territory of the enterprise and the housing estate, the action of which is aimed at reducing dust from the production facility. The dust collector allows not only daily cleaning of the areas of the enterprise, city territories, but also is effective after construction and repair-emergency works. The machine has increased maneuverability. It allows to clean up the territory in the cramped conditions of the industrial site, in the areas of compacted buildings. The dust collector can be used after construction, digging trenches and pits, near the ash dumps and man-made development.
Key words: fine dust, ash dumps, dust collecting machine, residential area.

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