Grekhov R.A. Medical and Biological Aspects of Depression


Rostislav A. Grekhov
Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Head of Laboratory of Clinical Psychology,
Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
Zemlyachki St., 76, 400138 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Professor, Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Volgograd State Medical
Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., 1, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The article reveals the issues of etiology, theories of development and pathogenesis of depression, both 
medical-biological and psychological. The author describes the main psychological predictors of depression, as well as 
pathogenic mechanisms associated with functional deficiency of the serotonergic system and with disregulation of the 
noradrenergic system. The author analyzes the genetic polymorphism which predisposes to more pronounced development 
of depressive symptoms and development of suicidal behavior in stressful situations, as well as to the violation of 
neurotransmitter functioning under stress. The article considers the conjugation of clinical characteristics of depressive 
disorders with immunological, neurotransmitter and hormonal parameters, involvement of these homeostatic systems in 
the mechanisms of psycho-neuro-immunomodulation and in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders. A modern approach 
to the treatment of depression, suggesting the combination of different methods of antidepressant therapy (including 
their classification) and psychotherapeutic care. The author analyzes the variants of somatized depressive reaction, 
related to latent nature of the disease’s course that may be important for non-medical health specialists.
Key words: depression, monoamine theory, serotonin, noradrenaline, antidepressant drugs, psychotherapy, models of “learned helplessness”, cognitive model of depression, tranquilizers, suicidality.
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Medical and Biological Aspects of Depression by Grekhov R.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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