Firsov G.A., Khmarik A.G. The Genus Abies Mill. (Pinaceae) at Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden


Gennadiy A. Firsov
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Scientific Curator of Arboretum and
Dendrological Park, Senior Researcher, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS, Professora Popova St., 2, 197376 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aleksandr G. Khmarik
Postgraduate Student, Department of Botany and Dendrology,
Saint Petersburg State Forest-Technical University,
Institutsky Lane, 5, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. There are 20 species, 1 variety and 2 forms of silver fir (Abies Mill.), reperesented by 80 trees in collection of Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden of the Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS (Saint Petersburg). The oldest of them are up to 69 years old. The tallest trees reach 24,8 m in height (A. veitchii). Their trunk diameter reaches up to 62 cm (A.concolor). The pride of collection being rare Far Eastern species such as A. gracilis and A. homolepis. There are species promising both for repeated (A. cilicica (Antoine et Kotschy) Carriere), and primary introduction. The continuous monitoring on winter hardiness as well as on steadiness to pests and diseases is necessary, which is especially true in conditions of the global warming of the climate. The investigation of reproductive abilities, quality of seeds and of seed generation is of importance. This is necessary to involve the best species and forms into city planting and forest economy.
Key words: Abies, silver fir, arboriculture, biological peculiarities, Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden, Saint Petersburg.
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