Bairamova M.M., Agaev F.G., Ismailov K.H., Djavadov N.G. Distant Assessment of Concentration of the Chlorophyll in the Polluted Water Basins


Mahira Magomed gyzy Bairamova
Postgraduate Student, Researcher,National Aerospace Agency
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S.S. Akhundova St., 1, AZ 1106 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Fahradin Gulfan ogly Agaev
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,Director of Institute of Space Research of Natural Resources,National Aerospace Agency
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S.S. Akhundova St., 1, AZ 1106 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Kamal Hejraddin ogly Ismailov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Aerospace Monitoring,
National Academy of Aviation
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Bina St., 25th km, AZ 1125 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Natig Gadjy ogly Djavadov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,Director of PO Promavtomatika Ltd.
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Safaralneva St., 18, AZ 1132 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Abstract. Now the considerable proportion of the terrestrial population is located in coastal zones of the seas, oceans and lakes. Anthropogenous impact on various water basins in these inhabited zones exerts the negative impact on functions of local ecosystems and demands operational assessment of their state. One of efficient methods of monitoring of a condition of ecosystems is remote sensing. It should be noted that extent of pollution of reservoirs of Chla can reach (9 * 10) · 103 mg/m3. It causes emergence of a number of the specific phenomena, such as saturation and wide spacing of gaged parameters. The authors describe an easy and efficient way to assess the concentration of Chla with the use of shift longwise effect of the wave of maximum reflective range of more 700 nanometers. According to the carried-out analysis, from the point of view of achievement of high value of the relative sensitivity, the most expedient site is the site in the position of a maximum P = 715 nanometers; Р < 715 nanometers. In this case both sensitivity and the relative sensitivity of the offered way of definition of concentration Chla have high value.
Key words: chlorophyll, remote sensing, sensitivity, water basins, pollution.
Creative Commons License
Distant Assessment of Concentration of the Chlorophyll in the Polluted Water Basins by Bairamova M.M., Agaev F.G., Ismailov K.H., Djavadov N.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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