Kosheleva O.Yu. Analysis of Agrolandscape Structure of Catchment of Small Dobrinka River

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2016.4.4

Olga Yuryevna Kosheleva
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Laboratory of Geoinformation Modeling and Mapping of Agroforest Landscapes,
Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Complex Meliorations and Protective Afforestation of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 97, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article shows the results of landscape analysis of the Dobrinka river catchment, which is located in the Volgograd region. The following indicators were considered: a share of lands with various slope ratio and an exposition of slopes, a share of arable land, woodiness, a relation of length of ravines and beams to the catchment area. The slope ratio and exposition were determined by digital model of a relief. Assessment of a share of arable land, woodiness and a relation of length of ravines and beams to the catchment area was carried out according to isolinear maps of the corresponding indicators constructed on the basis of interpretation of space images. The correlation analysis between indicators of woodiness, a share of arable land and relation of length of ravines and beams to the catchment area is carried out. Land surfaces with slope ratio to 2° occupy 72,4% of the territory of the key site. The following distribution of lands on an exposition of slopes is characteristic of the key site: northern – 42,3%, southern – 31,1%, western – 18,8%, eastern – 7,8%. Strong correlation between a share of arable land and woodiness of the territory (> 0,70), and also between the general and natural woodiness (> 0,97) is established. It demonstrates that woodiness on the key site is provided more due to natural plantings on the bottoms and slopes of beams. Application of a method of cartographical profiling has allowed to confirm a hypothesis  of close connection between a share of arable land and a relation of length of ravines and beams to the catchment area of the territory of the South of Volga upland. It is established that change of woodiness within a Dobrinka catchment from a source to the mouth the curve can be described as parabola (“bowl” model).
Key words: catchment, agrolandscape, small river, digital model of relief, space images, woodiness, isoline mapping.
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Analysis of Agrolandscape Structure of Catchment of Small Dobrinka River by Kosheleva O.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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