Grekhov R.A., Suleymanova G.P. Structural Resonance Electromagnetic Therapy as Efficient Method of Alternative Treatment of Somatic Diseases


Rostislav Aleksandrovich Grekhov
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Laboratory of Clinical Psychology,
Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
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Zemlyachki St., 76, 400138 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Galina Pavlovna Suleymanova
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Clinical Psychology,Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
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Zemlyachki St., 76, 400138 Volgograd, Russian Federation;
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article reveals the physiological parameters and the possibility of the new direction of magnetic therapy – bio-resonance or structural resonance electromagnetic therapy – in the curative and preventive medicine. The use of structural resonance electromagnetic therapy in the range of physiologic frequencies of the body can restore optimum rhythms, positively affecting the body as a whole through the normalization of the neuro-humoral and energy system of regulation. The most proven effects of structural resonance therapy is a sedative, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, analgesic, trophic and regenerative action, hypocoagulation effect, improved microcirculation and regional blood flow. There is also a proven beneficial effect of structural resonance electromagnetic therapy on immunoreactive and neuro-vegetative processes, which make this technique unique for the treatment and prevention of a number of inflammatory diseases of metabolic and posttraumatic genesis. Spectrum of used structure-resonance therapy frequency covers the full range of low and mid-range devices, which in combination with the technical and clinical features make the technique more user-friendly, cost-effective, and free of contradications to use, especially as a method of alternative therapy in the case of drug intolerance.
Key words: physiotherapeutic method, magnetic field, structural resonance electromagnetic therapy, bio-resonance bio-resonance, low-frequency pulse electromagnetic field, electromagnetic biology, spontaneous biopotential activity of healthy body tissues, resonance.
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