Alizade E.K., Gulieva F.E. Method for Сontrol of Сondition of Forest Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact


Elbrus Kerim ogly Alizade
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor,Deputy Head of Institute of Geography,National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
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G. Dzhavida St., 31, AZ1143 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Fidan Elkhan gyzy Gulieva
Postgraduate Student,National Aerospace Agency
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S.S. Akhundova St., 1, AZ1106 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Abstract. It is noted that the fragmentation of forests directly effects the natural processes of forming and/or infilling of bare land plots existing in forests. The phase dinamics of such bare land plots renders a significant effect on development of forests and contains the important information on general condition of forests. In the article the theoretical grounds of suggested information model of interrelation of frequency of appearance of bare land plots and their sizes are described. The suggested information model makes it possible to study the peculiarity of interrelation of frequency of bare land plots and their sizes. The formulae allowing to estimate the information content of results of remote sensing of forest condition using sign of statistics of found bare land plots in forests are derived. This method makes it possible to
carry out the diagnosis of forests’ condition by means of remote sensing results using the statistical sign concerning the found bare land plots in forests. The extremum property of such information estimate is studied by carrying out the model taking into account the known regularities of interrelation of bare land plots frequencies and their sizes.
Key words: forest, anthropogenic factor, information, deforestation, optimization, model.
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