Kharin K.V. Inventory of the Population of Land Vertebrate Animals of the Arzgirsky District of the Stavropol Region


Konstantin Viktorovich Kharin
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor,Department of Ecology and Nature Management,North Caucasus Federal University
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Pushkina St., 1, 355009 Stavropol, Russian Federation
Abstract. The inventory of the population of animals represents the official source of information allowing to carry out an assessment of a state and to give the characteristic of the animal population of territories as one of its natural resources. Data of the inventory allow to carry out monitoring works, to estimate the damage caused to objects of fauna from different types of economic activity and also to develop actions for his protection. The inventory of the population of land vertebrata is submitted by data on number, a ball assessment of a look, a role in the taxocenosis of land vertebrate animals, given about the area of habitat and distribution across the territory of Arzgirsky district of objects of fauna, and also data on the types included in regional and Russian Red Lists. By drawing up the inventory field research according to the accounting of the main groups of the animal population of the studied territory were conducted, and the available material on the previous research of the animal population available in share materials and references has also been worked out. During work we have allocated the main types of habitats of the animal population and areas of dwelling of the types included in the Red List of Russia in the territory of Arzgirsky district are revealed.
Key words: biotopes, animal population, habitats, population, vertebrata, rare species.
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