Nikulova E.A. Formation of Creative Self-Realization of Students as a Fundamental Competence of Future Specialists


Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Nikulova
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism
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Abstract. This paper describes the basic theoretical concepts and results of the shortterm study carried out under the project “Methodological Support of the implementation of a new generation of educational standards in schools and universities”. The publication theoretically justifies the assumption that the development of students’ creative selfcompetence is fundamental for a successful career in the professional field of physical culture and sports. The article describes a program by the formation of the desire for creative self-realization of students. The program is based on the principles of the psychological and physical health – freedom, responsibility, meaningfulness, spiritual, moral and social values of each person. The program aims to ensure that all the psycho-pedagogical work with students is oriented on the personal growth of the young people, on dialogical communication between pupils and teachers, on speeding up and streamlining the process of creative development of young people. In accordance with the purpose and tasks in the program of formation of the personality of creative students’ self-realization it includes 3 stages: preliminary, which includes seminars, debates, main – providing training, and final stage – analysis of feedback on the questionnaire.
Using the creative assignments in all substantive components of the program contributed to creating a positive emotional background of the students, which is reflected in their creative activity while participating in the training.
Key words: competence, creative self-realization, professional activity, professional development.
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Formation of Creative Self-Realization of Students as a Fundamental Competence of Future Specialists by Nikulova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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