Firsov G.A., Khmarik A.G., Orlova L.V., Byalt V.V. Assortment of Conifers for Planting Saint Petersburg at the Edge of Centuries: Tendencies and Prospects


Gennadiy Afanasyevich Firsov
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Scientific Curator of Arboretum and Dendrological Park,
Senior Researcher, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS
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Professora Popova St., 2, 197376 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Aleksandr Gennadyevich Khmarik
Postgraduate Student, Department of Botany and Dendrology,
Saint Petersburg State Forest-Technical University
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Institutsky Lane, 5, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Larisa Vladimirovna Orlova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher,
V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS
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Professora Popova St., 2, 197376 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Byalt
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS
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Professora Popova St., 2, 197376 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of assortment of conifers in Saint
Petersburg’s city planting. The authors consider a problem, tendencies and prospects of assortment of conifers in Saint Petersburg at the edge of centuries. The data on considerable enlargement of the conifer assortment in city planting of Saint Petersburg at the beginning of the 21st century are given, at present there are 65 taxa of 11 genera of 3 families. The majority of species and cultivars occurs singularly, by seldom or even single specimens. The changes in taxonomic content depend on different reasons, including the global warming of
the climate and distribution of new diseases and pests. It is necessary to organize the continuous monitoring on the assortment of conifers used in city planting. It is also urgent to introduce and involve new and promising exotic conifers. There are few local cultivars of Russian selection, especially if we compare it with the data on adjacent countries of Western Europe. It is necessary to create the conditions for the Russian nurserymen and dendrologists would have possibility to quickly registrate their breeding cultivars adapted to the local conditions in this country. It is necessary to develop the local nursery business. The present study was carried out within the framework of the institutional research project (N 0126-2014-0021) of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Key words: conifers, assortment, city planting, arboriculture, Saint Petersburg.
Creative Commons License
Assortment of Conifers for Planting Saint Petersburg at the Edge of Centuries: Tendencies and Prospects by Firsov G.A., Khmarik A.G., Orlova L.V., Byalt V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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