Sergei Yakovlevich Semenenko

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Director,
Volga Scientific-Research Institute of Ecological-Meliorative Technologies
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Trekhgornaia St., 21, 400012 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Sergei Sergeevich Marchenko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant director,
Volga Scientific-Research Institute of Ecological-Meliorative Technologies
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Trekhgornaia St., 21, 400012 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstraсt. The paper presents information about research and developments in the field of hydrotechnic meliorations and their technical support, performed in FSBSI Volga Scientific-Research Institute of Ecological-Meliorative Technologies. Attention is paid to the development of sprinkling machines and mechanisms for reducing the cost of cultivation of agricultural crops with a significant decrease of irrigation erosion. The developed methods, devices, and technologies irrigation livestock effluents, reclamation of the soil, describes the results of studies on the development of modern impervious materials and technologies for repair of linings of channels and hydraulic structures, causes of water losses and measures for saving water during transportation. Provides information about development of methods of nondestructive testing of concrete and soil reclamation hydrotechnical structures on the basis of the relationship between the propagation velocity of ultrasound in the material of structures and their performance characteristics. Provides information about the structure of the flow-through reactor operation to change the redox potential of irrigation water, and elements of technology of crop irrigation water with altered redox potential, its influence on development of plants, moreover, research on effects of electrochemically activated water and aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers on the plants showed the effectiveness of its application for improving germination of seeds, the demand and accelerate development of plants of agricultural crops.

Key words: ecological-reclamation technology, reclamation, drip irrigation, redox potential, redox potential, non-destructive control methods, livestock waste.

Creative Commons License
MODERN ECOLOGICAL AND MELIORATIVE TECHNOLOGIES: IDEAS AND DEVELOPMENTS by Semenenko S.Y., Marchenko S.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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