Terelyanskaya I.V. Concept of “Social Success” in Socio-Psychological and Historical Contexts

DOI 10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.4.10

Irina Vasilyevna Terelyanskaya
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture
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Prosp. V.I. Lenina, 78, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In this article the author presented a theoretical overview of changing ideas on social success in the writings of philosophers, sociologists and psychologists in different epochs. Based on research by N.V. Lejfrid, the author has identified quality attributed to successful personality in Russian society: nice and friendly family, higher education, fair, professional, persistent, dedicated, honorable, smart, hardworking, kind, well-mannered, considerate, active, talented, charming. From this set, the author chose the one that characterized the intelligence index of the general abilities of the individual and checked as it affects social success. The author in his study takes individual career for one of the components of social success and explores the relationship between common mental abilities and social success of the individual. The author cites the results of empirical research group of managers and their subordinates, where there is a positive correlation between the level of general mental abilities and social success of the individual.
Key words: success, social success, successful person, self-actualization, creativity, general mental abilities, managers and employees.
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Concept of “Social Success” in Socio-Psychological and Historical Contexts by Terelyanskaya I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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