Druzhinin A.G., Gorochnaya V.V., Dets I.A., Lachininskiy S.S., Mikhaylov A.S. Cross-Border Clusters in Coastal Zones: Factors and Characteristics of Development

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.3.7

Aleksandr Georgievich Druzhinin
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Director of North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems
of the South Federal University
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Pushkinskaya St., 160, 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Vasilisa Valeryevna Gorochnaya
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Junior Researcher, North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems of the South Federal University
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Pushkinskaya St., 160, 344002 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Igor Andreevich Dets
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Institute of Geography of SB RAS
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Ulan-Batorskaya St., 1, 664033 Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Stanislav Sergeevich Lachininskiy
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Economic and Social Geography Saint Petersburg State University
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10-ya liniya V.O. St., 33, 199178 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Andrey Sergeevich Mikhaylov
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of Department of Marketing and Analytics at the Administration of Development and Strategic Planning,
Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant
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Zoologicheskaya St., 2, 236022 Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article highlights the current issues of coastal zones’ development through the prism of the cluster approach. Coastal zone is viewed to be the area with high potential of cluster formation, including cross-border clustering. Based on the modeling of inter-organizational interactions within the cluster, the research identifies the main factors and conditions, as well as the specifics of the formation of cross-border clusters in coastal zones. The classification of cross-border clusters, based on territorial, market and other factors of their life is given. Cross-aquatorial cluster is identified to be an independent typological unit. Its characteristics and the conditions of formation and development are viewed within the framework of contemporary globalization trends. The main cross-border clusters, forming and existing in the regions of Russia and abroad are reviewed. The specificity of cross-aquatory clusters and the large number of species are predetermined by the conditions of the development of international cooperation in coastal zones, as well as the logistical specifics of port facilities as key points of contact economic counterparties belonging to different jurisdictions. The relevance of the identification and cultivation of observation of cross-border clusters in the sustainable development of coastal zones and the building of a multi-vector foreign economic interactions steadily increases, including for Russia.
Key words: cross-border cluster, coastal zone, maritime sector, cross-aquatory, typology,territory, water area, Russia.
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Cross-Border Clusters in Coastal Zones: Factors and Characteristics of Development by Druzhinin A.G., Gorochnaya V.V., Dets I.A., Lachininskiy S.S., Mikhaylov A.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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