Vladimirov D.R., Grigoryevskaya A.Ya. The Features of Naturalization of Invasive Fraction of Flora in the Voronezh Region and in Some Regions of the European Part of Russia

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.3.5

Dmitriy Romanovich Vladimirov
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Teacher, Department of Recreational Geography, Area Studies and Tourism, Voronezh State University
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Universitetskaya Sq., 1, 394006, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Anna Yakovlevna Grigoryevskaya
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department of Geo-Ecology and Environmental Monitoring, Voronezh State University
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Universitetskaya Sq., 1, 394006, Voronezh, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is about naturalization features of invasive fraction of flora in Voronezh and some other regions of the European part of Russia. The summary table represents all invasive and potentially invasive plants of the European part of Russia with their level of naturalization (or invasive status). Invasive fraction of flora in the Voronezh region numbers 120 plants. All of them are on different stages of naturalization process in an anthropogenic areal. Invasive plants represent by agriophyts – 41 (34,1 %) species, epecophyts – 75 (62,5 %) species and colonophyts-epecophyts – 4 (3,4 %) species. Totally there are 201 species of
invasive and potentially invasive plants spread within European part of Russia (Northern-West Russia, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Tver, and Voronezh regions). They formed the “black list” of European Russia. 10 species are common to all invasive fractions. These are Acer negundo, Amelanchier x spicata, Aster x salignus, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Impatiens glandulifera, Impatiens parviflora, Juncus tenuis and Lupinus polyphyllus. The analysis of the general list of invasive fractions of European Russia shows that 120 species of the list are invasive or potentially invasive in the Voronezh region (100 and 20 species in accordance), adventives naturalized species – 31, native species – 19, archaeophyts – 2, apophyts – 4. 26 species from the list were not found in the Voronezh region. Apparently, the region is a transit area for many invasive plants, which migrate from South to North, from East to West etc. Not only its natural and climatic potential, but also high level of transformation of local landscapes enabled immigrant-plants to naturalize within the bounds of the region. Furthermore, for many years the Voronezh region was the center of introduction of alien plants. Many of those became a part of invasion fraction of regional flora. In recent decades green building took place of public policy of introduction. A lot of landscaping firms work with not native species. They offer them in a great variety for citizens. In case of introduction, some of these species could become invasive.
Key words: invasive fraction of flora, naturalization, invasive plants, invasive status,invasive process, ecosystem, phytocenosis, Voronezh region.
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The Features of Naturalization of Invasive Fraction of Flora in the Voronezh Region and in Some Regions of the European Part of Russia by Vladimirov D.R., Grigoryevskaya A.Ya. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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