Kolmukidi S.V. Pathological Condition of Trees and Shrubs of Forest Plantations in the Middle and Lower Volga Region

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.2.7

Kolmukidi Svetlana Valeryevna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Woody Plants Biology,
All-Russian Scientific-Research Agroforest Reclamation Institute
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Abstract. The materials on the study of the characteristics of pathologies common in the protective forest plantations are presented. The basic factors of deterioration of woody species pathological conditions are identified. The most common and harmful diseases of the major tree species of the Lower and Middle Volga region are determined. The comparative tolerance of systematic structure of the main forest-forming species to diseases are revealed. The complex research of modern pathological condition of trees and shrubs agroforestry plantations in the steppe and dry steppe regions of Lower and Middle Volga is carried out. Arid climate and harsh growing conditions contribute to the weakening of the stability of trees and shrubs and the deterioration of the pathological state plantations. Abnormal weather conditions (high temperatures, insufficiency or lack of precipitation, strong winds, hot winds), careless use of fire were the reason of forest plantations death. The varying degrees of resistance to pathogens among systematic composition rocks of artificial planting: elm, poplar, birch, ash, maple and others are revealed. The diseases of various etiologies, aggressiveness and severity leading to partial or
complete loss of epiphytotics are identified. The most harmful are the vascular pathology (Dutch elm disease, Verticillium of maple), necrotic and cancerous disease of poplar, rot, bacterial diseases. The Middle Volga region Submucusracemosa is the most immune to pathogens, but Ribesaureum is quite resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew, meanwhile it is subject to Verticillium wilt (Fungi of the genus Verticillium). In the Lower Volga region Cotinuscoggygria and Loniceratatarica are resistant to pathogens. Ribesaureum is subject to anthracnose and Verticillium wilt, on the branches of shadberry necrosis sore meets. Leaves of pea tree suffer from Septoria and rust, branch necrosis and cancer. The use of more sustainable, fast-growing species, hybrids and forms of woody plants affects the improvement of ecological conditions of nearby location and proves to be a more effective measure than the recovery of perishing trees.
Key words: bacteria, biodiversity, protective forest cultivation, infectious withering, landscaping of residential areas, pathological sustainability, phytopathogenic fungi, рhytopathological monitoring.
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Pathological Condition of Trees and Shrubs of Forest Plantations in the Middle and Lower Volga Region by Kolmukidi S.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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